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One Young World Summit 2023


Six members of the 2023 RE.GENERATION Cohort - Sabrine Chennaoui, Anne-Sophie Roux, Federico Perez, Imogen Napper, Pedro David Fernandez, and Gunjan Menon - recently participated in the One Young World Summit in Belfast. This global event brings together young leaders from 190+ countries and 250+ organizations, focused on accelerating social impact.

Sabrine Chennaoui and Anne-Sophie Roux: Advocates for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Environmental Conservation

Sabrine Chennaoui, founder of Monsapo, and Anne-Sophie Roux, founder of tēnaka, took part in a panel discussion that revolved around the pivotal topics of sustainable entrepreneurship and environmental conservation. The panel, moderated by Théo Panizzi, the Initiative Manager at the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, offered a platform for these young leaders to share their insights and experiences in the realm of sustainable practices. Their contributions shed light on the growing importance of these issues on a global scale.

Federico Perez: Latin America's Cross-Sector Collaboration for Climate Emergenc

Federico Perez made his mark by actively participating in discussions related to Latin America's efforts in cross-sector collaboration to combat the climate emergency. His expertise and experiences in his organization Selvitas, contributed to the broader conversation about collective initiatives and solutions in the face of a pressing global crisis.

Mentorship with Paul Polman: Building on Prior Connections

The cohort had the privilege of a mentorship session with Paul Polman, a renowned figure in the world of sustainability and responsible business practices. This session built upon their previous meeting, which took place during the 2023 REGEN Campus in July. The mentorship opportunity allowed these young leaders to gain further insights, guidance, and inspiration from one of the leading voices in sustainable business.

Graduating as One Young World Ambassador

After four days filled with inspirational sessions and valuable networking opportunities, Sabrine Chennaoui, Anne-Sophie Roux, Federico Perez, Imogen Napper, Pedro David Fernandez, and Gunjan Menon all officially graduated as One Young World Ambassadors. This title is a testament to their commitment to making a positive impact on the world and driving change in their respective fields.

The participation of the 2023 RE.GENERATION Cohort in the One Young World Summit 2023 in Belfast was a remarkable showcase of their dedication to making a difference in the world. Sabrine Chennaoui, Anne-Sophie Roux, Federico Perez, Imogen Napper, Pedro David Fernandez, and Gunjan Menon seized the opportunity to share their insights, engage in critical discussions, and connect with global change-makers. Their involvement in the summit, combined with the mentorship session with Paul Polman, served as a reminder that the next generation of leaders is actively working towards addressing the most pressing challenges of our time.